Full time Deputy sheriff position available
Casual part time Dispatcher/Jailer position available
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March 6, 2025, Kaila Rasmussen, age 38, of Sibley, IA was convicted of the offense of Driving While Barred – Habitual Offender, an Aggravated Misdemeanor. The Defendant shall serve four (4) days in the Osceola County Jail with credit for time already served. The Defendant shall pay a $855.00 fine, 15% crime services surcharge, court costs, legal defense expenses, crime victim assistance costs, any required contribution to a local anticrime organization, and restitution to the medical assistance program.
March 6, 2025 Conrado Gomez Vega, age 40, of Ocheyedan, IA pled guilty to the two counts of Assault Causing Bodily Injury or Mental Illness, a Serious Misdemeanor. For each count the Defendant shall serve 365 days in the Osceola County Jail with all but 149 days suspended and with credit for time already served. The sentences shall run concurrently. The Defendant shall pay a $860.00 fine, 15% crime services surcharge, court costs, legal defense expenses, crime victim assistance costs, any required contribution to a local anticrime organization, and restitution to the medical assistance program. The Defendant shall be placed on probation to the Third Judicial District Department of Corrections for a period of two (2) years. The Defendant shall complete the 24-week Iowa Domestic Abuse Program at his expense.
March 3, 2025, Vanesa Zenet Ventura, age 26, of Burnsville, MN pled guilty to the offenses of Possessing Firearm of Offensive Weapon by Felony, a Class D Felony, Possession of a Controlled Substance – 1st Offense, and Operating While Under the Influence – 1st Offense, both Serious Misdemeanors. The Defendant is to pay a fine of $2,705.00 plus 15% surcharge court costs, and court appointed attorney’s fees. The Defendant is sentenced to a five (5) year prison term, four (4) days in jail, and two (2) days in jail, to be served consecutively with credit for time already served. The five (5) year prison term is suspended. The Defendant is placed on probation to the Iowa Department of Corrections for this Judicial District for a period of three (3) years. The Defendant shall obtain a substance abuse and/or mental health evaluation and undergo all treatment recommended. The Defendant shall successfully complete a drugged driver’s course as directed by the Defendant’s probation officer.
February 26, 2025, Alejandro Santana, age 26, of Sibley, IA was convicted of the offense of Operating While Under the Influence, First Offense, a Serious Misdemeanor. The Defendant shall serve two (2) days in the Osceola County Jail with credit for time already served. In lieu of the jail sentence, the Defendant is allowed to serve four (4) days of electronic monitoring. The Defendant shall pay a fine of $1,250.00, 15% crime services surcharge, court costs, legal defense expenses, crime victim assistance costs, any required contribution to a local anticrime organization, and restitution to the medical assistance program. The Defendant shall obtain a substance abuse evaluation and follow any treatment, rehabilitation, or monitoring program as recommended by said evaluation. The Defendant shall successfully complete a drinking driver's course. If the Defendant's license has not already been revoked, the Department of Transportation shall revoke Defendant's license.